03 Mar In everything, give thanks.
“In everything, give thanks.” -1 Thessalonians 5:18
It’s good to just stop & say thanks – especially when you have lots of people to be thankful for. As you might know, by God’s grace, we are headed towards releasing our first book. I’ve been learning much – mostly, that it takes a ton of work to pull this off AND a ton of people to help.
So allow me to just give a quick shout out to these fine folks below (in no order – with exception of the first one listed.) Most of these folks have volunteered their time, talents, and efforts to help me with the book – it’s been amazing.
Rachel Webb – My love. My best friend. Baby momma. My partner.
Fedd Agency – This is our Fedd Family. They have become such fast and dear friends. Austin, Texas we hear ya! They are helping me finish the book, design the cover, get final files done, connect with other needed partners and spread it to the world!
Phillip Devine – Gracious friend who helped me start my podcast show. Philip is very talented. Check out his show and contact him for assistance for lots and lots of things here.
Adam Raymer – Local IT Pro. Check out Adam here.
Stacy Smith Rogers – Helped me make sense of my original thoughts, process them and get somewhat organized on paper. Such a key encourager. Thanks Stacy!
Nathan Morgan – Designed graphics for all things Go Outside. He’s the bomb.
Blake Lawyer – My pastor and close friend. Solid.
Jay Hardwick – One of my best friends, prayer partner, and a top supporter. #1 go to for SEC sports, and everything else in life.
Torrey & Bethany Smith – Some of our best friends who have listened and encouraged along the way. One of the ways they serve the community is here.
Janal Watts – Leading the plans for the Book Release Party on May 5th. More to come later. Yep, she’s awesome. And – she hopes you’ll come to the party!